
Beach Soccer Tournaments on the East Coast

Beach soccer is a fun and competitive sport that has become increasingly popular in recent years. The East Coast of the United States is home to many great beach soccer tournaments. Whether you are looking for a team to play with, or a way to get some sun and fun, there is a tournament in your area that is sure to fit your needs.

One of the biggest reasons to play beach soccer is because it’s a great way to spend time with your friends and family. It’s a great way to get some exercise, and it’s a great opportunity for your kids to learn the game of soccer in a fun and friendly environment!

A lot of people love the idea of a tournament where you can get some sun, have some fun with your friends, and enjoy some delicious food and drinks. But there is a problem with some of the more traditional tournaments: they are too expensive for most families.

Fortunately, there are several smaller, less-expensive tournaments that cater to a wider audience of players. These tournaments have a wide variety of games, and are also great places to meet new people who share your passion for the game!

Sand Duels ™ in Ocean City, Maryland is a 5-on-5 soccer tournament for youth 8 through 18 and adults. The event is a great place for younger kids to improve their skills in a competitive environment, while more experienced athletes get to compete for the chance to win big prizes!

The Cape Express More Beach Blast is a great Jersey Shore beach event for youth teams U-8 through U 19 and adult beach soccer teams. This event includes 5 v 5 soccer on the beach and 10 Morey’s Piers amusement passes for each youth team (U-8 through U 19)!

This is a great event for families who want to spend an afternoon at the beach, but don’t want to spend a fortune. Your team will be guaranteed 3 games filled with plenty of touches on the ball and a great atmosphere to try out all the latest moves!

A lot of teams will travel from all over the country to attend this great event. It’s a great chance to get some sun, have some fun with your teammates, and enjoy some delicious food and drinks!

NASSC is the largest beach soccer tournament in the world and it attracts over 8,500 participants of all ages and skill levels. The tournament features nearly 60 surfside fields located on more than 1.25 miles of resort beach.

In 2015, NASSC attracted more than 1,000 teams and 25,000 spectators from 20 states and several countries. The North American Sand Soccer Championships is the most popular amateur beach soccer event in the world and is widely viewed on the boards of many major boardwalks in the region.

NASSC has been the primary fund raising event for the Hampton Roads Soccer Council, a group of local soccer clubs and organizations that have been providing recreational soccer facilities to the Virginia Beach community since 1992. The tournament revenue has been used to support the construction of the NASSC soccer complex and the addition of multiple additional fields throughout the year. In addition, NASSC has added a “Professional/Amateur” cash division that attracts top beach soccer players from around the country.